We appreciate the efforts of all of you to assist those of us at Tulane Law School as we put in place methods to communicate with one another.
Our efforts will be helped immensely if all were to put links directing people to the "official" Tulane Law School website, which is being hosted and co-developed by our colleagues at Emory:
This is the site which will be used by Dean Larry Ponoroff to officially communicate to our community and we are starting to achieve a critical mass of participation, with about 400 of our faculty, staff, and students checking in during the 24 hours this has been in existence.
As you can imagine, things are changing very quickly for those of us from Tulane. Many of us are in transit between different evacuation sites and this is slowing communications. The evolution of this new site will help immensely just to get contact information for our administration so that we can begin the task of communicating with our students.
We all feel a real sense of community evolving in the aftermath of Katrina and the generosity we are seeing both from our temporary hosts around the country and our "virtual" communities such as Teknoids really helps in the current situation.
Raymond Jean
Director of Computing Services
Tulane Law School
[email protected] (hoping once again in the future to be [email protected].......)
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